popo, looks like you're still around, so I'll ask here...I think I may have receded gumsfrom brushing too hard (pretty sure of it actually)...is there anything less brutal than what was described in post #39 to address this problem? Cause that solution creeps the hell outta me, especially after a quick google search into the surgery.
Oh, and for someone who just can't give up the wonderful fizzy flavor of pop (1, because it tastes good; 2, because it's the cheapest flavored drink available and I'm a poor college student; and 3, because I swear I have an oral fixation because I seem to have a constant need to be drinking something), what would you recommend to be a reasonable amount per day? As it stands, I drink in excess of 40oz on most days but worry about the negative impact this could have and likely is having on my teeth.