Yes I can definitely relate to this. I have 3 very close girl friends from my school days. Unfortunately life has made it so we're not together most of the time. We all have the same kind of closeness between us. Two of them have moved to England, first to study at uni then to work, and one of them, though strangely she lives in the same city as me, has acquired the worst taste in men, and so I see very little of her.
But it's like you say, we get together and we never run out of things to say, we talk like we were just together yesterday, there's a shared history and closeness that stems from childhood that I don't think you can quite get in adulthood. Maybe because they knew you when you didn't even really know who you were yet, and vice versa.
My only thorn is the friend that lives in the same city, I love her as a person, I can even say that out of all of them she is the sweetest and nicest and most easy to talk to, but she has this's a really long story. Maybe I'll start another thread for that so I don't hijack this one. I have a feeling many of you have experienced the same...
I have one friend from uni who I can say is the closest I've got to the same sort of relationship as my school friends. I can't tell you why or how. I even remember when we first met we sort of clashed. We both have strong personalities. I think me may have become close friends because she was from another part of the country, and lived in the same suburb as me, on her own. Maybe because she was lonely, and I suppose I was too (uni was not fun for me), we really bonded. Now she's pregnant and I was one of the first people to hear about it. I can have the long silences with her too. It's not
quite school friends, but it's almost. She's also a very genuine and honest person, and I think that goes a long way to establish that kind of closeness.
The problem with being more adult and trying to make friends, IMO, is that there is that whole grown-up and protecting myself thing facade people have going on, before they will open up to you. You're much more vulnerable, less-established and open when you're young.
Well that's my story.