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Old 04-08-2005, 08:33 AM   #20 (permalink)
32 flavors and then some
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Location: Out on a wire.
Where I drive most of the time, I'll cruise in the middle lane (of three) at about the speed limit +5, except to pass. When I need to pass, I'll pull into the left lane, pass, and then get back into the middle lane when it is safe to do so. While I'm in that left lane, however, I'll frequently get some jerk zooming up on my bumper and flashing at me. I have the right to get over there to pass, and I'll get back in the middle lane when I can do so safely, meaning leaving a safe distance between me and the car I just passed. Many of the tailgaters don't seem to understand the simple concept of following at a safe distance. As I pass the car on my right, and wait to put a safe distance between us to move right, the jerk behind me will often dart into the tiny gap between me and the car on our right, following me too closely to get to it, and pulling far too closely in front of the car on our right, and pass me on the right. I'll get honked at or the middle finger on occasion. I ignore it.

On rare occasion, I'll get three or four cars going through the small gap that opens up before it's safe for me to move right, resulting in a situation where I'm stuck in the left lane as a series of weeavers pull up close, dart into the right lane, and pass me, all of them close behind the one in front of them.

I have the right to pass in the left lane, and I'm not doing anything wrong by doing that and then waiting for a safe distance before changing back. However, granting for the sake of argument that I am passsing too slowly, or waiting too long to get back in the middle lane, this never justifies tailgating, cutting, pulling closely in front of other drivers, and weaving without using the turn signal.

I wonder if those who are screaming at me for driving safely, according to the law, causing them a minor inconvenience, I wonder if they recognize the hypocrisy in their actions, or just never learned the basic kindergarten rule that another's perceived misbehavior does not justify their own (also known as "Two wrongs don't make a right").

Of course, sometimes you get those people who think that your fast isn't fast enough for them, and will tailgate you until you pull over. But instead of getting raged at that, think about it: they have caught up to you, and will sit there behind you until youpull over at the next opportunity. At which point they will pass, but they will not slow down or back off, because of the need to regain their passing speed.
I agree that it never helps to get angry at other drivers, regardless of their behavior. However, I disagree with one part of this. Tailgating is never justified. Everyone, regardless of how fast they want to drive, should follow at a safe distance. Until it's safe to pass. Tailgaiting doesn't help anyone maintain or regain passing speed. You can go just as fast following at a safe distance as you can on someone's bumper, and you have the advantage of being able to stop in time in case of an emergency.

A while back, I had an epiphany regarding inconsiderate drivers, tailgaters, light jumpers and runners, people who make right turns while I'm trying to make a U turn, people camping in the left lane or passing on the right, etc. It's not personal. They're not out to get me, they're just driving by their own set of rules rather than the actual rules of the road. It's like the weather; I can't control it, it won't change if I get mad, so I deal with each situation as it happens stay safe, and don't worry abuout it. My job is to get from point A to point B safely first, and quickly second, avoiding conflict with other cars in the process. Anything that is going to get in the way of that--like confronting other drivers unnecessarily--is useless
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