Originally Posted by analog
I'm a horrible procrastinator. I have really bad anxiety attacks sometimes, and that doesn't help when feeling overwhelmed.
I would love to be successful- but my main thing (like with my writing) is that I've spent so much time loving the art, that if I really got some scripts done, and submitted them, and they were rejected, i'd feel as though my one true love and talent is not so much a talent at all- and then i'd really have nothing to feel good about, talent-wise.
^^ Me too. Anixety attacks and the writing thing (and drawing). But yeah, I am a huge procrastinator. That's probably why I bombed out of college, was because I left projects, essays and exam studying till the very last night at 11pm. I believe I have the 'fear of failure' reason, that and sometimes I just really don't feel like doing something. I suppose sometimes when I did try with something (certain art projects and essays) and I would do horrible on them, there was that question, "Why even waste my time on this if I'm going to do bad anyway?"