shakran - Well, that's part of the problem. Writing the way I speak would be confusing, I think. When I write my expressions become more linear, less paranthetical than when I try to express some concept verbally. Still, that was basically the advice I was given in grade school and it is sound.
Maleficent - True, I do need to find my own style, and I think that I am progressing towards that. However, the manner in which I write is strongly influenced by what I have read. And my reading has been limited to mostly fantasy and sci-fi. While there is certainly great writing in those genres, it is not readily recognized. Other genres are. And, while I would like to write some fantasy or sci-fi, I am hoping that by reading Hemingway and Salinger I will discover means of expression that I haven't even conceived of before.
For example, my dialog stinks. One of the tricks I have heard is that some famous author (whose name escapes me) spent hours in cafes and diners and listen to how people speak. I can't quite afford the time to do that yet. I will have the opportunity to do some of that next week, however. I find solitude particularly restorative. My wife arrainged for me to spend the day at a bed and breakfast on the coast for a day to help recharge my batteries. That is going to be so nice, I can't tell you. Hopefully, I will write some.
Thanks for your replies, folks. Keep 'em comin'.
The Baron Opal