I can totally understand not liking to be teased, or artificially prolonged. If my partner misses a beat the first time around, it often ruins my orgasm for the entire session. Once recently my housemate slammed a door to tell me to shut up right before I came, and boy did that kill it for the night. I personally would not recommend teasing her or bringing her close and then not allowing her to come.
It's a better solution to do things that feel better to you than to her, but are still fun. That's hard to explain... I guess, like, let's say she doesn't like being on top. Have her start that way, then "reward" her by making her come when you are almost ready. Or, do a position that is more emotionally intimate than physically for her, like missionary face-to-face, which usually is not so good at making girls come; then, when you are close, switch to something she likes better. If you do it right, you can both come at the same time--that is SWEET and she will appreciate the extra effort.
There's no justice. There's just us.