I'm a light sleeper and my wife sleeps like a rock. A rock that constantly flails about the bed jolting me into conciousness multiple times a night. I tried sleeping with that woman for a year and after a year of far too little sleep I just couldn't take it. I usually cuddle with her til she drops off then abandon the bed for my pallet. Yes, I said it. My pallet. We don't have space for a spare bed and the couch is too small for me so I made a comfy pallet on the floor out of some foam mattress pads, several comforters, and a sleeping bag. I slept on a futon on the floor for ten years before we were married so I actually find it more comfortable than any bed I've slept on. I don't think she's crazy about the set-up but I've got to get my sleep and until we can afford a Temper-pedic mattress this will have to do.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.