Originally Posted by Ilow
The people who don't have a balanced diet and then have health problems should not be compared with those who participate in the Atkins diet. Or maybe they should, either way they are making a choice that will possibly negatively affect their health.
Vegatarianism is a lifestyle choice, not a fad diet. Although it is more difficult, vegetarians can get all the nutrition they need from their food, it just takes a little more effort.
Atkin's is also a lifestyle. If you don't continue it for the rest of your life, you'll gain all that weight back. You have to do it forever. I imagine that people on the Atkin's diet could also get all their nutrients from food if they wished to make the effort.
And please, please, please do not try it for only two weeks!! That is not enough! However, if you get pain or feel sick, then get off it, it's not for you.
People should always consult their doctors before starting a diet.