Originally Posted by tres
I can definetly relate to the "you want it ever night" argument/defense, maybe try eating properly and a little gym workout #1 for yourself #2 maybe show her you care.. I dunno.
How is she about HER body?
Funny you should mention a little gym workout. I started doing some running last June and except for illness and injury I have kept it up and part of my motivation is to try to get in better shape for her. I also ride bicycle to work (a 20 mile round trip) 2-3 days a week when it isn't too cold (I live in Wisconsin). My goal for this year is to average at least 1 mi/day running (365 miles for the year) and to ride bicycle 1500-2000 miles so I'm trying. (Boy is that off on a tangent from the opening post.)
My wife has lost weight since we were married, even after having 2 kids. She's about 5'4" and 110# now and although I often tell her how great she looks (and she does) I think she has issues with how she perceives her stomach, which hasn't been the same after having the kids. It looks fine to me though. I don't really get the impression that her lack of interest in sex relates to her body image though.
Well, that's certainly more about me than anyone here wanted to know. We'll just have to work things out. There are guys out there worse off than me so I know it could be worse.