Originally Posted by Mbwuto
Proof plz.
Read some about the history of the world. Religion has existed since the dawn of civilization. There was some form of religion in every corner of the world. Atheism was not even a widely-known concept until somebody separated church and the state. Before that, you rebelled against a religion, now you just don't believe there is a god.
Originally Posted by Mbwuto
You know, unless you're making spurious claims that you can only back up with, "No you don't. Shut the fuck up". Eloquent.
If you can prove that there is or isn't a God, could you please enlighten the rest of us???
Originally Posted by d*d
Aethiesm is the right not to beleive in what you are told, the right to question the validity of what is given to us as fact.
I have that right as a person who believes in a god too. I practice it on a daily basis. If you think that just because I follow some doctrines means that I don't question them, or are you implying that all religious people are blind??? What I'm saying is that religious people can be as valid, invalid, or fanatical with their views on God as atheists and agnostics because, simply put, nobody knows for sure what's out there.
I'll get to some more comments after a bit. I know my first post was muddy and kind of harsh, but every writer needs a chance to clarify.