Originally Posted by crapshoot
I am a Braves fan through and through but I have been disapointed over the past few years. They have the tallent, but the Braves have no heart anymore. The best thing the Bravos can do is get rid of Chipper. He really sucks ass. He doesn't try anymore...of corse if I was making that kind of money I wouldn't have to try either. Yes the Braves will win the division like they do every year but they can't finish. Why do they get rid of all of their high paid players except for Chipper? Conspiracy? I guess I will see tomorrow at the home opener.
The answers you seek are located at
Here are some fun excerpts from Larry:
Chipper, What is you favorite color?
I like a few different colors - hunter green, navy blue, black, and maroon - It is hard for me to pick just one. (Wow. So damn deep.)
Mr. Jones, if you got the chance to move to another baseball team but still had the chance to stay in Atlanta, what would you do?
All things being considered, I'd stay with the Braves everday. I have grown up a Brave and want to finish my career here. I hope that it happens. 
(Sounds like he has Ted Turner's balls in a pickle jar.)