Originally Posted by CyCo PL
Most of the older black metal, the raw low-fi sounding stuff, isn't nearly as well produced and has much simpler song structures and simpler riffs. Lots of power chords ... occasional blast beats but not nearly as much as the more popular, commercial black metal. Lots of "buzzsaw" in minor scales like popular black metal also.
This is, at least, my interpretation of the genre... feel free to correct me where I might be wrong
whoa whoa.... you're not listening to the right tr00 black metal if you're hearing simple riffs and structures...

it's not at ALL simpler than the "commercial" side stuff. Maybe the oldest stuff like burzum and darkthrone is, but not anything in the last 5 years that's any good in black metal. Weakling and Deathspell Omega come to mind, that;s fuckign complex music that's "true" black metal. I suggest you take another look at some of the stuff that's out there. hehe.