Originally Posted by tuner
I always kill insects that invade my space. Especially spiders, can't stand them. If I see a spider on the sidewalk and I know I can step on it, I will. If I see a fly I can swat, I will. I hate insects. And yes, I know, they are a huge part of the ecosystem, most biodiverse category, blah blah... I still don't like them and really don't care extinguishing them. Ecology aside, I wouldn't mind if I could just press a button and vanguish all spiders on the face of the earth  (Am I the only one here who NEVER thinks that an insect can feel pain?)
About the goldfish, I don't know... It's fish, not some large animal. It's not like fish really react to people like dogs or cats, they rarely (if ever) show signs of any "intelligence", so it's kind of difficult for me to feel sorry for two goldfish flushed down the toilet. My experience tells me that goldfish don't live that long in an aquarium anyway... So I guess I don't really care, although I'd never do something like that.
It's less about the amount of pain the organism has, and more about the intent of the torturer. Pulling a spiders legs off to see how long it can stay alive is much different than stepping on it. Likewise, when McFrosticles' friend simply allowed the fish to die in a game with no concern for the loss of life - and the enjoyment of their dying -, he crossed a very important line between unfortunate accedent and intent on causing harm to another living being.