Ktspktsp and I use both BC (patch) and condoms, just to be safe. I understand that it's GREAT to not use the condom (we did it for a while, ahhhh that was so nice), but for us right now, even a 1% chance is too much. But I think that if/when we were to get married, we would then stop using condoms because having a child would be something we could deal with a little better then. As it is, it just makes us feel better (psychologically... and the physical difference is just a minor thing) having that extra backup for the time being, until we're set enough to deal with the consequences.
Note: I am pro-choice but do not see myself being able to have an abortion if we had an accidental pregnancy, so that figures into our double-protection, too.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran