Wow, that has not been my experience at all! I spent years trying to lure various women into bed, with very limited success. I even joined a "bisexual support group" but it was mostly a bunch of men sitting around planning trips to the bath houses in San Francisco.
I think part of the problem was me - where I might feel totally confident with men and just straight out ask if they wanted to fuck (if the mood struck me), I've been more shy with women, like I felt I had to live up to some kind of higher standard or something. And then, I could never tell if they were really interested. Partly I guess that's because I have a bad habit of getting crushes on my friends, so I'd already have some sort of friendship established, and then decide I wanted to go to bed with somebody (it didn't always happen like that though). So then, I'd be afraid to scare them away and I guess I wasn't up front enough about it. Although I did express a lot of interest - I don't know what it takes, really. I'd end up in this horrible state of agony around these women, constantly wondering,
What do I have to do to get her into bed?

Should I stand on my head?

Should I slide on a sled?

Do you like me in red?

Are we just friends instead?
Damn, at least men will let you know what they want! I've seen a lot of women who will joke around but when it comes to actually doing anything they freeze up and get seriously heterosexual. Like little icicles.
So then I decided I should just go straight for the lesbians except they were all wrapped up in their ex-girlfriends, and they always led me on and then got back together with their ex-girlfriends. There were several who did that. That left me wondering what was so bad about me that you'd dump me for the dyke from hell you just spent the last two months complaining about.
I would have done a lot to find these free and easy bi women you speak of. I would say I don't think they live in my town, except I live in the bi and lesbian capitol of the world.