Abs Diet Thread
I know a few People here are on this diet. I just started it myself, had a few questions, and I would like to see if it worked for anyone.
I just started last week with the new eating habits. I have been doing a shake in the morning (8oz 1% milk, natural peanut butter, GNC whey protien, Banana, ICE, and Flax Seed.)
All the recipies in the book for shakes calls for 2 teaspoons of whey powder, but the box says a scoop. Also, it makes 2 8oz servings, What do I do with the other half, I can't exactly take it to work with me. Should I be doing the shake if I'm not working out?
If I don't do the shake or, usually I have the shake at 6am around 9 I'll have eggwhites/mozz cheese/turkey on whole wheat.
For a snack I'm doing almonds and/or strawberries, banana maybe some PB on a slice of whole wheat with banana..
Lunch has been consisting of a roast beef sand, tuna on whole wheat pita, or left over meat from last nights dinner.
I have been trying alot of the recipies in both abs diet books and doing pretty well so far although it's only been a week and I can't expect to see results thus far.
My Physical Therapist doesent want me lifting weights while I'm being treated for a minor back problem. Should I be eating this way even I'm not working out? Some days I feel like I have gained fat.. so. I'm a little confused about that part.
The best thing so far is never being hungry. Overall I like the layout of this diet cause I can have a slice of vegitabe pizza and know what to eat when I'm forced to eat out..
Who else is on this program?
"Its better to be hated for who you are, then loved for what your not" --Van Zant
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