Originally Posted by tres
Just like I said in the other thread, there must be something else going on, because time, or being tired (all the time) are not a valid long term excuse IMO. If some nights she's too tired...ok.. But def not as a long term excuse. Have you talked to her? Did she lose her drive? Does she think that he has to be a respectful mom and sex is on the line of disrespectful? I know some women that refuse to wear bikinis after they have children even when their body is still smokin hot, because "it's not motherly"
I think that overall she has just lost something off her sex drive. Trying to talk to her about it hasn't gotten me too far because as I said in the other thread, she just gets defensive and talks about me "wanting it every night" and that she can't/won't do that. Of course that's not what I'm talking about. I don't know, maybe it's me. I've gained 20 pounds since we have been married (now 6'1", 203#) but I don't think I'm that repulsive yet.