Originally Posted by Scabs the Clown
We've been married 20 years and have two teen-aged daughters. The past year we have averaged about 3 times a month but things are slowing down from that frequency lately (like 5 times since the first of the year). It is always a Fri., Sat. or Sun. night. Our weekday schedules don't mesh very well. My wife goes to bed at 9:00-9:30, which is a little early for me but even if I went to bed then I don't think she would be interested because the kids might hear us. She gets up before 6:00 am so mornings are out too because we would have to start around 5:30, which isn't going to happen. I'd like it more often but my wife isn't interested enough to lose sleep over it.
Sorry to hear that you are seldom sexually active. I refuse to believe that if someone wants it bad enough that time is a factor though. Are there any other mitigating factors?
"Its better to be hated for who you are, then loved for what your not" --Van Zant
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