I think there should be criminal trials starting right from Jean Chretien and going down the ladder. The utter misuse and defrauding of Canadian taxpayers money is nothing short of pathetic.
And for what? To keep Quebec from pooh poohing about how they are distinct and not treated as such. Poor babies. Let's up the yearly Official Bilingualism tab from 1 billion to 2 billion so as enough Kleenix is available for those whose crocodile tears are flooding the St. Lawrence.
Like I said in another thread, maybe one day some politicians won't succumb to be blackmailed by language and the bullshit notion that Quebec is distinct and different from everyone else will cease. I've been across this country more times than I can remember and every PROVINCE is distinct and it's inhabitants are all EQUALLY Canadian.
As for an election. I really don't care anymore. I said last summer if after a decade of corruption, the Liberals still win, I'll never vote again. I don't know if I will or not. Since the norm from the top down to be corrupt, lie, steal etc,..as our government does, I'm thinking why not get a piece of the pie myself. Every year I pay enough in taxes to buy a brand new car, and not a piece shit either. I'm fed up and then to add to my consternation I look at the idiots who are in line to run the country. Wonderful.
But it won't change. The Liberals are the victims now and I'm sure that will bode well for them. Boo hoo hoo. But I can't place all the blame on them. They are afterall, elected democratically by the citizens of this country. It's to bad so many Canadians don't give a shit about their money being wasted. I wish I had that much so as not to give a shit too.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.