Originally Posted by John Henry
I suspect they will lose some ground this year to the vaguely more respectable (if orange) face of UKIP.
Kilroy is no longer a member of UKIP but has instead formed his own party, i would attempt to spell it (something like varitast) but would get it wholey wrong. For those that do not know Mr Kilroy Silk he was once a morning chat show host, who before that dabbled in politics (abit before my time so know little about this). However after writing a unfortunate article for a major newspaper (i say telegraph - correct me if i'm wrong), which boarded on racism he was told to leave the BBC show and ever since has been on a political rollercoaster. From being elected into the European Parliment (again this will take some explaining and i'm not too sure if any amount of explaining can sort the mess out that is the EU parlimentry system), he then tried to take over party leadership (UKIP) but failed to do so then started his own party, and so we come to the unwriteable party name. So that is, in sort, the man, the lengend, the oranged faced, Kilroy Silk.