To my knowledge, viruses are'nt considered life because they only meet one of the definitions (replication, iirc). Although it's been a few years since i've had a biology class, so my knowledge could be out of date.
Your recollection is not accurate. Viruses not only replicate, but they have DNA/RNA that codes for many biochemical processes that are present only in living organisms.
But whether or not you consider them life, the fact that these functional biochemical entities are routinely created in the test tube is certainly pertinent to the debate about the origin of life on this planet. This subject is a scientific subject (whether or not you want to call it "evolution") and it is entirely appropriate to include in a biology class, whereas ID is not appropriate.
There are many scientists who believe in ID.
There are in fact very few scientists who believe in ID, just like there are a few scientists who believe just about anything. Scientific consensus is the criterion of what should be taught in public schools, not fringe beliefs.
It is your opinion that it is outside the realm of science, not fact.
Yes it is my opinion, which is supported by argument that probably 99% of scientists agree with.
In either this thread, or another on the subject there were many links giving the scientific basis for ID.
I saw those links, and my opinion is that those arguments are completely laughable pseudoscience. The core of the arguments are a little number juggling by people who have no knowledge of probability or statistics, followed by some quoting of Scripture.
And honestly, from what I remember we might have spent a whole 2 weeks on evolution in high school, and that was with 2 years of AP classes (bio and chem). IMO many of the nuances required to truly understand the underlying theories can't be covered in classes geared toward high school students, at least if you want anything else to be covered.
Two weeks is plenty of time to expose students to the current science regarding the origin of life.