I have trouble believing this "unknowingly carried drugs" story, as well. I'm probably echoing a lot of what spindles is saying, but, while it would be stupid to smuggle some in.. it's just too convenient that this rapist came foward and said "oh yeah, I heard some guys talking while I was in gaol....".
For those who haven't heard of this (probably everyone outside of Aus

here's. a google news link to her name. Stories galore for you to read
A quick rundown is: she got caught with 4.1kgs of marijuana in her body (boogie) board bag entering Bali, Indonesia (a popular holiday location). For a while (many months) no one said anything about it while she sat in jail. Recently a rapist (or alleged rapist?) came forward saying he heard some people joking about it while he was in jail (gaol). He claims if he named the people who made the jokes, they'd kill both Corby and him.