Originally Posted by McFrosticles
YOU hit the nail right on the head
YES, all of these things...which is scary
1-4% of people are sociopathic. Most are able to control it within the limits of social tolerability, only being termed "socially obnoxious". I'd be willing to bet that your friend is only socially obnoxious. It is when the beehavior becomes criminal that they require professional assistance. For now, we'll just call him a dick.
Just a friendly word of warning: it is not a good idea to surround yourself with friends who have sociopathic tendencies. It is possible to learn behavioral traits from people in your normal environment even without meaning to. As the fish thing is clearly the tip of the iceburg, I'd omit him from your circle of mentally healthy friends. Also, (before I forget) people like your friend tend to attract followings, as the people mistakenly see the display of juvenile delinquency as leadership skills. Just something to keep your eyes out for.