Originally Posted by Redlemon
I wonder how long a flushed goldfish would survive. It seemed to be no problem in the movie Finding Nemo, but I'm pretty sure that no goldfish would survive secondary treatment at a wastewater treatment plant. But, could it survive in the sewer system before it reached the treatment plant? Or would it be killed by (a) reduced oxygen levels, (b) toxics in the sewage, (c) physical trauma caused by the flushing operation, or (d) other?
I heard a sewage treatment expert talking bout this on CNN (thanks to Finding Nemo) and he basically said that the fish would probably die within minutes inthe sewer, but i he did make it to the sewage plant, he would be shredded by the first stage of treatment, which is a huge spinning stack of blades, named (for unknown reasons) the "muffin grinder," that breaks solid waste into dust-sized particles.