Originally Posted by alansmithee
I think that the best solution is to teach evolution as the means of getting people where we are, and leave out all discussion the origin of life. The big debate over ID vs. evolution seems to me really to focus on the origin of life, as opposed to the manner in which life changed (or didn't change) on earth. Because the evolutionists don't have the answers as to how life came about, and that (currently) cannot be proven false or true, the same as ID. But there seems to be ample evidence to support evolution.
And calling The Grapes of Wrath boring, rambling, and crappy? I've heard some crazy things on this board, but that might take the cake .
evolution doesn't deal with the origin of life. just with the change from the first single cell organism to the diverse life that we know of today. and pepole still have problems with that.