I think the kid should be punished, not the parents. A fourteen year old probably doesn't have $300 handy so the parents might have to pay it. Even if they make him pay it back over the next year or so (which they certainly should) it's really the parents who get the real immediate brunt of the punishment. $300 paid off over a few years of summer jobs isn't much of a punishment at all. He's still a kid, at fourteen, but old enough to know better, to read the signs and to be kept in line. There is no blame on the parents here I think, and I don't think anyone's mentioned that, so that's good. The $90 fine should be good enough, I think, and even better would be that and a small amount of community service.
Who cares how much the fine is? It could be a million dollars for all I care. Obey the rules of the bus (which you agree to and accept the consequences by buying a ticket and boarding) and you don't have to give a god damn about the severity of the punishment. The fine is there to prevent people from doing it, as a deterrent, not as a slight frustration if you just so happen to get caught.
Last edited by Rlyss; 04-05-2005 at 05:19 PM..