Decisions decisions decisions. Won't vote for Labour they've been at it too long at least tony has and well he has gone slightly crazy in the last two years or so, this only reconfirms my theory of a clever person should be in power for no more than six years max. Had Gordon taken his place then i would have consider labour as it is Lib Dems are a wasted vote and Charles is not a guy that i would want to lead the country or gain more control than what he already has. So i guess that leaves the Conservatives, who, well... get my vote by default. At least they have a chance of winning plus MH doesn't seem like such a bad bloke, and i think its time they have another whirl of the power game.
I'm thinking a change of management will show whether the books have been overly cooked. So that's the way i'm leaning not that my vote matters too much sitting here in a labour strong hold.
For Guthmund - the Prime Minister has to ask the queen if it's ok for him to hold an election and if they can all get sometime off to run around the country to plead for votes. - Interesting fact number 1, i'm sure more will follow.
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke