Originally Posted by NCB
Y'all are one's trying to make the case that this country is turning into a Christian theocracy. Thus the burden is on you to make the case. ManX simply asked if I made that story up, and just came back with two cases that I knew of. I can also give many more examples of how the schools are suppressing any mention of God anywhere on the school property.
OK, you didn't make it up, the people involved in those incidents were clearly overstepping their bounds. Of course, the people involved in those incidents are not a part of the government. So I still don't see the relevance to the subject here. I once had my hat taken by a teacher and was told I could receive it at the end of the school year. Come that time, they had lost it. That doesn't mean schools are stealing students property. And it doesn't say anything to a question of whether the government is or is not stealing hats.
You asked for proof of the religious influence on gov't. I provided it. You ignored it.