Originally Posted by MageB420666
No it's not out of place just because it was a lollipop, a $300 dollar fine for eating ANY food on a public bus is way too high. Even the revised $90 is pretty hefty. We're not talking about a life endangering activity here, it causes a mess and an inconvinience, but not enough of one for the fine to be over $50 dollars. I personally believe that public service would be a much more effective punishment, many people would be willing to pay the "right to eat on bus food tax" as you put it if it was just a monetary fine, but you take time out of their day, and make them do some physical labor, they'll become a lot less willing to break the rules.
It's the equivalent to a littering fine. Around my area if you litter you have to pay well above $1000. The problem here is that the kid obviously broke the rules, and is pleading not guilty. They should throw the book at him.