When I have partaked in about a dozen beers, my soft palate tends to become very relaxed, thus I snore like a jet engine. I also reek of booze, the breath and the sweat.
In those VERY RARE CIRCUMSTANCES, I do go sleep in the spare room. I used to quietly slip into bed and hear about it in the morning. Now I quietly whisper, "I'm home, and I'm pissed..." to which she replies "Spare room please" if she wants to get a good night sleep or "Come on in" if she wants to cuddle. It is her choice, since I am the one making the disturbance.
Good arrangement, and the result is a lot fewer arguments the next morning. Plus I still tell her I made it home safe and at what time.
/sound of whip
/Ben smiles, knowing what a great relationship really is, and doesn't care what others think
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.