Originally Posted by Lin
but give a little lee way , thats all Im saying . do you not remember what it was like to be a child ?
I remember being a kid and I remember when I screwed up, my mother made me understand that what I did was wrong and was responsible for it.
She didn't go trying to soften the blow or make excuses for me. I got the full brunt of my actions.
That's what missing today when it comes to issues like this. Why didn't the father pay the fine and then tell the kid he has to pay it back? What an opportunity squandered to show regard and respect for authority. Even the father refusing to plead guilty with his son is showing his son that rules and laws are unimportant depending on how one interprets those laws.
Like I said earlier, if the kid choked on the lollipop, the father all of sudden would want the law on his side and would wonder why the rules weren't enforced. You can't have it both ways.