There are worse 2B, but not by much. His career line is .275/.320/.362. He doesn't take walks, has no power. Although he doesn't hit for average, he doesn't bring the lineup down either. The only true asset he brings to a fantasy team is some SB. Now on teams with lesser lineups, that might mean something but he plays for the Yankees. When he gets on he doesn't need to steal bases because he has Jeter, ARod, and hitting behind him.
The Yanks didn't need a guy that steals bases to 'set the table.' I see them needing it more in late situations when 1 run makes more of a difference. I doubt he'll get as many SB's this year. He had like 25 last year, probably no more than 20 this year but who knows. If you can live without the SBs, I'd try to trade him to someone who will take his 2004 numbers too seriously.