Originally Posted by Scout
Yakk, how about the trucker sets up a sole proprietorship and reports the $30,000 as its profit?
If you want
no deductions, you should get no deductions.
No corperate, no personal, no deductions period. Otherwise, I guarantee that nearly everyone with a large income will have deductions sufficient to lower their marginal tax rate hugely.
Originally Posted by Scout
I utilize no government programs throughout the year other than the IRS when they review my tax return therefore using your sense of taxation I should have to pay nothing.
You use the police and the military every second of your existance.
You use social services that keep society stable every second of your existance.
You use economic stability that keeps the economy on keel and working every second of your existance.
Originally Posted by Scout
I may not have gotten a tax break from the Republicans but my tax percentage ain't went up either from the Republican tax policy.
Yes it has. You just haven't paid it yet. What do you think trillions of dollars in deficit is? Future taxes.