Originally Posted by kutulu
That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's not that simple and it is not effective use of multiple lanes during high traffic times.
It works well here on 95. The right lane moves 5mph, the middle 6, and the left lane 7. All three grind to a halt when someone in the left realizes that he can't fit his 25-foot-long SUV through the 8 inches that other drivers have left between their bumpers, and slowly inches right until it ceases to become a matter of courtesy for the middle lane driver and becomes a matter of accident avoidance. The jerkoff then repeats this fo rthe right land, and then pulls into the shoulder and reverses a few hundred feet to the exit he missed (not to say that this is typical of all SUV drivers, I've seen every kind of car do it, but the SUV's are biggest and disrupt the most when they do.) I try to do my part to do my part to keep traffic moving by not tailgating, keeping left until about two miles before my exit, and then moving right as the opportunity presents itself, and signaling well ahead of times, and changing lanes ASAP when I see "Lane Closed" construction signs.
I also make people angry by slowing to 45mph for construction zones when workers are walking on the shoulder with nothing shielding them from traffic. Sure, I lose a bit of time, but people have a lower chance of dying when I'm not speeding by them at 85mph (about how fast I go in the left lane on uncongested roads with little to no speed enforcement.)