Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
You do realize that this is an extraordinarily immature way to deal with it. It sounds exactly like what my brother and his girlfriend would decide to do. Also, I'd be interested to know exactly what interpretation of "Satanism" you've decided to pretend to practice, because the First Church of Satan (the prevalent modern Satanic organization) does not specifically engage in worship, it's more like a Confucian School of thought than a deity-worshipping religion. If you're getting into something like Odinism or Infernalism, then youi're probably trying much too hard if your only goal is to annoy someone. Perhaps you could start posting replies to his crap on Xanga and trying to get a discussion going there.
All I have to say to that is Thank You. Most people are completely confused about the teachings and meanings behind Satanism.. but I've already said too much