Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
After half a day's worth of classes I've calmed down a bit, and talked to my girlfriend about the whole thing and we've figured out some ways of dealing with it.
If he has a problem with my exploration of different philosophies, my girlfriend and I decided it would be best to convert my stuff entirely into Satanic accessories: my computer background, my posters, everything will be set for worship. And if he has a problem with it he can talk to me, same thing goes with his girlfriend. We also decided that I should watch porn videos with the volume really loud, and see at what point they will stop acting childish (like I'm not? ) and actually tell me to stop or turn it down. I also enjoy listening to metal...metal of ALL kinds! If they are going to act like I'm not in the room, I too will act like they are not in the room. |\m/| ( - - ) |\m/| I'll burp and fart and do everything that embarasses him and his girlfriend. I'll MAKE them talk to me by annoying them.
You do realize that this is an extraordinarily immature way to deal with it. It sounds exactly like what my brother and his girlfriend would decide to do. Also, I'd be interested to know exactly what interpretation of "Satanism" you've decided to pretend to practice, because the First Church of Satan (the prevalent modern Satanic organization) does not specifically engage in worship, it's more like a Confucian School of thought than a deity-worshipping religion. If you're getting into something like Odinism or Infernalism, then youi're probably trying much too hard if your only goal is to annoy someone. Perhaps you could start posting replies to his crap on Xanga and trying to get a discussion going there.
I'm going to laugh my ass of if I see a news report of two college students getting in a fight over an attempted exorcism.
I just recently signed up for a single room on the other side of campus in upper class housing. He put all of his resources in to actually becoming an RA for next year and didn't ever think that he wouldn't get it...he didn't get it. So I think he's stuck in the same building next year with a new roomie. And I do study away from the room most of the time. The problem comes from his staying up until 1 in the morning listening to music, even after I've asked him to turn it down or throw on headphones. My sleep schedule is practically determined by his. At least next year I won't have to worry about
This is a lot more like what you should be doing. If he has music up too loud, complain to the RA if he won't respond. It's their job to do that kind of stuff.