Originally Posted by NCB
I swear that when I read the posts in the political forum, that I must be living in a parallel universe.
Maybe. I think the universe that the political forum resides in is the one where the President flew back from his vacation to sign an emergency bill from Congress that violated seperation of powers for the purpose of religious intent to control people's lives. You may have seen a few staunch conservatives here on TFP discussing their own displeasure with that action.
Is that not the universe you reside in?
Where else does this great boogeyman lie? In our schools? Hardly; little girls nowadays get either a stern warning from the principal if she would happen to even utter out loud a prayer before lunch or get sent home with a note from the principal about the child's inappropraite behavior.
Is this case of a little girl receiving a stern warning or being sent home with a note of inappropriate behavior from a principal for uttering aloud a prayer before lunch something that actually happened, or did you just decide to make that up?