The Goldfish...
So, I was workin out over at my friend Dude #1's house...and we get a call from our friend Dude #2.
"dude, we are gonna race goldfish and see who wins"
"cool, in water?"
"no, on the floor!"
"don't worry, we will keep em alive"
"ok...I guess"
So, I finish my workout, go home, eat, etc etc. I then start talkin to Dude #2 on MSN about the fish.
"so, what happened"
"we flushed em all down the toilet"
"since when did you get morales?"
Alright, I'm not a PETA person or anything, but I still say that is still a very disturbing thing to do, and I'm pissed at Dude #2 for it. I think killing innocent things is wrong, and I usually always stand by it. "It's just a fish!" they say. I dunno, am I over-reacting? I think it's awful what they did, and I really saw no point in them racing fish for amusement and then killin em.
Good Grief