me, being a fairly left wing person decided to stir some shit up, or at least read over (and laugh) some posts at some ridiculous right-wing convervative bullshit forum. it was hilarious. everyone was anti-liberal, anti-canada, pro-war, and pretty muche everyone was one of those "nu conservatives", rich-parent, pseudo intellectual loudmouths. but anyway (enough with the stereotypes, even though it was pretty much true for this place)
anyway, there was a thread that "some fascist canadian television station cancelled fox news, because liberals are fascists who don't believe in freedom of speech" (they kept calling liberals and canadians fascists, who censored freedom of speech)
i kept trying to tell them fox news got dropped up here because it sucked. they wouldn't have it. even when i reminded them that it's possible that programs can get dropped because of poor ratings, they could spouting their Coulter-Crap. It was mind-numbingly stupid. These people were such idiots, that i had to resort to pure trolling, as i couldn't think of anything intelligent (even if i did, it would be pointless)
i guess poor ratings was just a bad alibi for the fascists in canada to cover up the soothsayers at fox news.
i wish i had that URL, it was awesome. it wasn't small either. quite a large community, of sorely mislead fools.