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Old 04-04-2005, 03:48 PM   #61 (permalink)
Born Against
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I didn't realize whales had scales and breathed smoke and fire.
Do you believe that dinosaurs breathed smoke and fire because it says so in the bible?

You guys put your faith in a different religion than I do, you put yours in science as if it is all fact.
Yes, scientists trust their five senses and their intellect. They don't believe something simply because their minister or the bible tells them so.

Where scientists know better than to say things are facts they say things are THEORYS. You know sometimes theorys are wrong (ohh gosh who would have thought, not you I guess).
Evolution is just as much a fact as DNA is a fact, just as much a fact as development of a human from a sperm and egg is a fact. Both microevolution and macroevolution have been directly observed in action.

If a scientist were to go there today he would say that it was all done over millions of years. When in reality we have many layers (30+ feet) of setiment formed in a day.
Why do you believe this? If you had studied geology you would know that this is not true. There were geologists in Darwin's time who could tell the difference between instantaneous volcanic deposits and sedimentary deposits.

Here is something interesting for you guys layers will not form unless they occur rapidly because of soil dwelling creatures that mix the layers together.
?? Where did you get this, from the bible? Are you now quoting science as the truth, after disparaging scientists?
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