Originally Posted by Rekna
If someone feels something is wrong they have every right to try to get the law makers to change the laws. They have every right to try to get abortion ended and you have every right to try to prevent it but calling them christian extreamists is absolutly retarded.
Actually, it's absolutely accurate. By attempting to change the laws to coincide with their religious beliefs in contravention of the Constitution, and by trying to fill the court system with judges that will not see such laws as contravening the Constitution, they place their religion above their civic duty. That's religious extremism nearly by definition.
It's that whole pesky 1st ammendment thing. There is no overt role for religion in government. It's more subtle than that though, and I didn't phrase it all that well. When individuals act from religious conviction, that's one thing. When a large group of individuals band together over many years and subordinate one of the only two viable political parties in the country to their agenda, it's rather another.
Now, I am not necessarily saying you have any part of this, but it is your responsibility to distiguish yourself from these people if you don't want to get tarred with a broad brush, and, unortunately, because of the rhetorical devices prevalent in obscuring that agenda, just saying you aren't is not believable. This is not my fault. Nor is it yours. Doesn't it piss you off that these people have damaged the value of your word? It does me.