Originally Posted by MoonDog
So, if I am complict in all that is good and bad in the Bush White House, what does that make you? I assume that you wholeheartedly voted for the returning of President Clinton for his second term? If so, aren't you an enabler of adulterous behavior in the White House? Aren't you then fully complict in perjury? How much responsibility will YOU then claim in the bombing of that plant in Sudan where Osama bin Laden was supposedly getting chemical weapons? ( http://partners.nytimes.com/library/...9us-sudan.html). These things may lack the gravity of what you accuse Bush and his administration of, but they still lurk in President Clinton's closet.
I just wanted to add to this.
Having served under Clinton, one thing seems to be often forgotten.
I was deployed on several occasions for "action" that was pre-emptive and could/would have resulted in civilian deaths. Not every deployment resulted in "action" (i.e. invasion of Haiti), but some did (i.e. Somalia and Bosnia).
All without any UN support....and all were "pre-emptive".
Hell, what pissed me off more than anything were the times we were attacked and we didn't do anything (i.e. Yemen and Saudi Arabian embassy).
A lot of the criticism directed at Bush and considered "criminal" by some, can be directed at almost every president we have had....yet I don't hear much screaming about that....just this time.....very selective, in my opinion.