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Old 04-03-2005, 02:16 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: Wisconsin...
Originally Posted by TM875
I'm really impressed with your work. You've put a lot of dedication, time, and money into this car, and it's going to show when you're finished.

My only question - why a Nissan Stanza? I know you're looking for good gas mileage (something I couldn't care less about), but I was just never crazy about them. If anything, I'd have gone with one of the Nissan 240 series.

Nonetheless, congrats on a truly amazing rebuild!
Well the reason of it being a Nissan Stanza is it was one of the all of a suddend finds. I was browsing through autotrader and found it for only $200 and I talked to the guy and I figured for $200 plus him sticking $150 in it awhile back for a new radiator I couldnt' really go wrong. I'll admit the car isn't the greatest looking car in the world but hey it will be a nice cheap reliable car. Now I figure it will be a grand total of $1500 I'll have into the car, but I won't have to deal with car payments, have cheap insurance and have peace of mind. A 240 would of been nice but wouldn't of made a good daily driver, since it's rwd it wouldn't of worked out in the Wisconsin winters as well as a fwd car. And since if I want to have a car with balls to the walls performance, thats what my mustang is for.
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