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Old 04-03-2005, 09:19 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Location: New England
I just can't get into looking at only the evil and not seeing something positive to grow and learn from.
This is your culture to beleive this, and i repect the sincerity with which you post, pan.

What i'll say is that we are a nation of fixers. We really think that human beings are capable of solving everything, and that we're obligated to. Most of the time, it inspires great acts. Some of the inspires a very selective memory that has no time to grieve.

"Yes, the Holocaust was bad, but..."

That sentence is so typical, and so much the problem here. Do you really think that you can and should skip from the horror of the Shoah to the neatly packaged moral lesson in on sentece? I don't think so.

This fix-it-ness doesn't give us patience for dealing with complexity, and it even leads us to resent the people who make things complicated, who challenge our notion that we've moved on.

We haven't. This culture still exports violence with stunning regularity. We still ghettoize and defraud Native populations (The BIA is hideously mis-managed and loses trust money every year it seems). We didn't "fix it."

This addict is still shooting up. Focus on the future? Sure. Once we actually face up to what's happened...steps 5 and 8 really. We haven't done 'em.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.

-John 3:16
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