I've done some construction in my lifetime and seen a couple of parking lots built. Here's the run down of a bank parking lot, less than fifty spaces.
Day 1: Team of ten men level out and smooth lot.
Day 2: Steamroller. Two men
Day 3: Black top. Ten men. One black topping machine, one steamroller
Day 4: More black top(less than half a day). Steamroller rest of day. Five or so men.
Day 5: More steamrolling. Two men.
Day 6:
Day 7: Paint.
I don't know if this was atypical or not since I was doing, and always have done wiring. It seems though that for a lot of only moderate size you need a fairly large crew. Unless they owned the steamroller they were renting it out for four days. They also paid out twenty nine daily wages, which even if they were illegal immigrants(very likely), comes out to paying around two thousand dollars in wages alone. And this only took them a week to do.
- people who have fallen into solitary, half-mad grooves of life and given up trying to be normal or decent.
George Orwell