This is exactly why I love having daily backups of my databases. If something happens, just untar the backup file and restore the old data. Anyways, my favorite one I did was working in the root www directory on my webserver, which hosts about 9 websites. I went and typed rm -Rf * for some reason and ended up deleting all my websites. Oops, thanks to the daily backups, it wasn't that big a deal.
The other good one I've done was when I started a net admin job at a Boys and Girls Club. I was trying to identify which servers were which so I could shut one down. Conveniently they were all labeled, although much to my chagrin, incorrectly. I shut down the server I thought was the Exchange server (in the middle of upgrading to 5.5 to 2k) but accidentally shut down the main server, which was also the firewall/router. These sorts of accidents were fairly common over my time there but since their whole infrastructure was rebuilt in 2 months, they didn't mind too much.