Originally Posted by NCB
How is absistence now a Christian fundamentalist belief? Last time I checked, it was the only method guarenteed to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Sure, placing condoms on cucumbers is loads of fun, but it also sends mixed messages to our children. Stressing abstinence is the best method of protecting our children for unwanted pregs. and STDs.
Also, why is the left so defiant about stressing abstinence education. I just don't get it.
Abstinence is indeed the only method that ensures no risk of pregnancy or STDs. However, teaching abstinence and only abstinence is NOT the best method of protecting our children -- it has been shown to be tremendously
unsuccessful. Children who are taught abstinence only are much more likely NOT to use any form of protection when do have sex, and I think you know that. The "left" is not defiant about...argh, god, why am I bothering.