I'm in the Move on camp. Our great nation was born at the edge of the sword and the barrel of a gun, along with a few infected blankets. I realize it, I don't particularly like the fact, but I can't change it. History remembers the conquerers. The Indians plain and simple lost the war, the white man was smarter, we had better technology, deal with it.
Venni Vetti Vicci, too paraphrase a TV show, I suppose Caesar was too feel bad about his conquests, I suppose the Roman Empire and everything that was born of it was too be bound by the sins of the past. Imagine that boundless culpability. "I came, I saw, I felt bad".
For all intents and purposes Columbus was a douche lander, but you have to fucking accept that what's done is done.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
Last edited by Mojo_PeiPei; 04-01-2005 at 11:16 PM..