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Old 04-01-2005, 06:46 PM   #5 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Manx
............I'm not sure what commentary you might have been looking for here when you asked me to create this thread, lebell. I'll leave that to you.
Manx, I consistently make an honest and fact filled effort to expose these of the "move on" mentality, to what is happening today in America, to expose them to the effects of what they voted for in 2000, and in 2004. I've reminded them that they are complicit and culpable for the support that they give to our alleged war criminals who hold national office. The reaction towards current events is as muted and evasive as the reaction that I predict you will receive from this thread, if you receive any reaction at all.

It's too unpleasant to contemplate, Manx, and impossible for the "move ons" to own up to, in any way. Much easier to rail against affirmative action, or the selfishness of the poor, and their leaders encourage them to do so.

Exposure to this mindset has helped me too, Manx, and this way of thinking has helped me to sleep at night. Why, just a few weeks ago, I discovered that I am directly descended from a man who owned and traded slaves. I was briefly concerned, but it happened a long time ago, and besides, my ancestor was a patriot who fought in the revolution, alongside one of his slaves.

Thanks to what I've learned on the TFP politics forum, I'll suspect that the evidence that he owned slaves isn't true, or has been exaggerated, or that the slaves he owned were better off than if they had to live back then as free men in colonial New England.
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james baldwin, john ives, chatham FREEMAN,1 enos hall, ephraim merriman, ambrose hotchkiss, oliver collins, josiah merriman, black BOSS,2 asahel merriam, JOASH HALL,3 DANIEL CRANE, serg't. levi munson,4 isaac hull, Jun.,5 ralph rice, george hall,6 aaron rice, eldad parker.7 1 A slave of Mr. Noah Yale. The circumstances of his enlistment are related elsewhere.

2 Black Boss was a slave of Abel Curtiss; and like his colored friend preferred the harsh discipline of the camp and the perils of battle even, to that very mild form of slavery which existed in Connecticut. The name here given is a nickname ; but is the only one by which he was ever known, according to the information of those elderly people who remember him.............

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........."Received of Abel Curtis (of Meriden) Forty Pounds, In full of a Negro Boy Called Ben, about nine years old which Sd negro Boy I Promis to warrant and Defend against all Lawful Claims & demands of any Person whatsoever as wit* ness my hand. GEO. PHILLIPS.
Manx, as you can read above, the apologist historian who wrote the "History of Wallingford", in 1870, described my great- x 8- grandfather's type of slaveholding as a "mild form".

It was a long time ago, and Abel was from my mother's side of my family;
with the different last name, and the fact that we aren't from the south,
I'm movin' on, Manx. I suggest that you try to, too.
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