I usually mix in some onion and garlic powders with mine, then top them off with a little salt and fresh ground black pepper.
Sometimes, if I'm not expecting anyone other than myself to be eating them, I add ground cayeene pepper to the beef (usually ground sirloin) for an added kick. this is only for those who can handle the heat though. Ground cayenne pepper has become my hotsauce replacement. It's also a good recipe if you wanna catch your roommate stealing some of your food. No one ever expects a hamburger to be really spicy, so they just take a big ol' bite without thinking... as my ex-roommate did. And am I the only person who likes their burgers medium to medium well?
I will not walk so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
Last edited by P-Naughty; 04-01-2005 at 11:56 AM..